
In this submenu, the contract-relevant details of the employee are entered. Each change of the basic conditions is stored in a temporal history in order to be completely comprehensible. 

Important: Consider  Time limitation and Historisation  so that you achieve the intended effectiveness and historization! 



The employment data is maintained historically in this area. Any changes in the employment relationship should be documented with a new entry to ensure that the employee has a consistent employment history.

When you create a new employment segment, the main points of the previous segment are copied to make the entry easier. As a quality assurance measure, however, the status is set to empty and must be deliberately set by the user.

However, it is up to the user to what extent he uses the historization option to make each (small) change to the employment data a new employment segment, or to document only essential cornerstones, e.g:

  • Change in working time
  • Change in collective contract classification
  • Status switch between ACTIVE, INACTIVE or EXIT

Details on the individual fields can be found here:  Employment Field Index

Secondary jobs


In this submenu you can enter jobs in other companies, but only for information.

Maternity/parental leave 


In this area, future maternity protection or maternity leave (parental leave) is maintained.

Naturally, maternity can only be saved for one employee. Maternity leave can be saved for both male and female employees (paternity leave).

The maternity protection and maternity leave periods are calculated according to the expected date of birth entered. 

These can also be automatically transferred to an employment entry by checking the "Create/update employment entry for maternity protection" checkbox.  


Disabilities are kept up-to-date in this area. As soon as the data concerning an employee's  disability is saved, the message appears that a document can be stored for it. Select the desired disability from the list and click the "x related documents" button. In the following dialog you can upload one or more documents.

Important: This links the document to the selected disability and automatically stores it in the correct destination folder in the "Documents" tab. The reverse procedure of uploading the document in the "Documents" tab and then assigning it to the disability is not possible, see: Linking documents with disability or tax advantage

Important: Consider Time limitation and Historisation. so that you achieve the intended effectiveness and historization! 

See also the detailed instructions: Recording of disabilities and tax benefits



The employee's work and residence permits are entered here.

Details on the individual fields can be found below:  Bewilligungen Feldverzeichnis

Employee interview / disciplinary proceedings

In this tab, disciplinary steps or disciplinary measures and warnings of the employee can be noted and historically recorded.


The purpose of this tab is to inform you about scheduled or implemented termination of the employee. 

Registration, schedulings, changements or withdrawings of an employee's termination happen via using the feature "More" and "Scheduling/implement termination" in the employee form of the employee affected. 

For further informations and a step-by-step instruction  please see Registration of terminations in HR-Expert

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