
Dialog is a small window that communicates information to the user and prompts them for a response.

There are several types of the dialogs:


Pop-up is a specific type of the dialog containing some useful information for the user and does not involve the user into interaction.

There are several main pop-ups used in Webdesk:



An alert dialog is a special dialog that is displayed when something requires immediate user action.

The typical alert provides information in a separate box to the user, after which the user can only respond in one way: by closing it. Closing an alert dialog will provide access to the original window, which is not available while the alert dialog is presented.

Typical alert used in Webdesk is "Number of unread todos": is displayed to the user after login when there are any unread todos for this user.

Another frequenly seen alert is a confirmation alert: require the confirmation for the particular action from the user (e.g. when removing an item).