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  • [WD-6978] - vacationrequest on the same date of an other request
  • [WD-7469] - Exception if "from date" and "Eintrittsdatum" inside a vacation request are the same date
  • [WD-7513] - Welcome: Manual resize of menu is visible on collapsed menu
  • [WD-7803] - wf_getOrgProcessInstances configuration: no value when choosing Processvariable in some cases
  • [WD-7807] - Float number rounding by Vaadin converters causes data to be considered dirty falsely
  • [WD-7821] - Exception when deleting a PoGroup from the trashbin
  • [WD-7844] - Missing progressinfo after clicking "change password"
  • [WD-7878] - "Add new NFC tag" fails with Cocoon error
  • [WD-7883] - ClassCastException when trying to open the details of a skill
  • [WD-7891] - absenceEntryConnector throws Nullpoint-Exception
  • [WD-7919] - Opening a person in HRX causes a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException
  • [WD-7930] - Re-Entry causes IllegalArgumentException: "There were 2 valid objects in result for validity ...."
  • [WD-7941] - Chooser buttons are missing in "Edit Project Time" UI


  • [WD-7725] - Validation of project time against attendance time in "Projektzeit erfassen" (editTimeEfforts)
  • [WD-7729] - In "Master Data > Client" move Kiosk related settings from header into tab "Options"
  • [WD-7839] - Improve safety of CustomJacksonObjectMapper
  • [WD-7871] - Project's "Kiosk" tab gets redesigned into multiple sections with their content varying for different project element types/levels

New Feature

  • [WD-7706] - Kiosk endpoint needs functionality to pass on specific + localize-able error messages (blocks multiple issues, blocked by inquiry to Matheus)
  • [WD-7730] - "External Reference ID for Kiosk is mandatory" option in Master Data > Client
  • [WD-7873] - Enforce 0min effort duration (New configuration flag in Webdesk + REST endpoint extensions) (blocks WD-7874)


  • [WD-7867] - WfApplication / Toolagent for setting state of PtmTimeEffort records


  • [WD-7744] - Kiosk assignment is only shown and allowed for topmost project elements of a project structure
  • [WD-7872] - Proper column widths in Kiosks table in Kiosk tab of Project for good readability
  • [WD-7875] - Configuration flag "Enforce 0min effort duration" in Webdesk > Project > Kiosk tab
  • [WD-7876] - Endpoint which sends project list is extended with flag "Enforce 0min effort duration". Main PTM logic is not touched!
  • [WD-7877] - Endpoint which can accept PTM booking with start and end time (used for "Enforce 0min effort duration")
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)374473
Version 1 von Inge Lederhofer
am 05.11.18 08:02:38
Name: 4.1.6
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 15.11.18 14:16:26
Name: 4.1.6
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung