

  • [WD-6431] - Change PTM choosers to be not subject to permission/licence checking
  • [WD-7521] - Wrong layouting behaviour of validation messages in EVM
  • [WD-7539] - Correction client: When changing input focus via TAB key, the time will be pushed outside on left side
  • [WD-7672] - Employee appraisal interview: validation of start date of evaluation period
  • [WD-7674] - Employee appraisal interview: employmentHours displayed instead of employmentPercent
  • [WD-7720] - editTaskTimeShares: button "Actions" is missing in process details -> Remove "Process details" button!
  • [WD-7721] - HRX: client selection not sorted anymore
  • [WD-7739] - HRX does'nt show confirm-save dialog after failed business validation and navigating away
  • [WD-7853] - Wrong ValidFrom Date is taken


  • [WD-7716] - Direct employment termination shall no longer be possible in employment-status inside HrPersonEditor
  • [WD-7724] - Person chooser in editPersonCertificates needs navigation controls


  • [WD-7713] - Create simple job for deleting Alfresco repositories with invalid configuration
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