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The salary elements known as fixed are maintained historically here.

Each salary item is defined:

  • Amount in certain value
  • Payment frequency
  • Type of salary
  • Reason for change

Only one entry can exist for a type of salary at a time! If, for example, a new entry is created for "Basic salary", any data records that overlap in time are treated as subordinate and automatically delimited.

This means that the new entry will then exist completely as intended, and one or more previous entries may then have a changed "Valid from" and/or "Valid to".

Important: Consider Time limitation and Historisation. so that you achieve the intended effectiveness and historization! 

Details on the individual fields can be found under: Finances Field Index

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)10461010
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 13.12.18 11:02:48
Name: Tab Finances - Salary
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Gabriel Gruber
am 13.10.22 15:53:15
Name: Tab Finances - Salary
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung