Employment Field Index

Fieldname Fieldtyp




Mandatory field, current possibilities: Active, Inactive and Resigned



Depending on which status is selected, the drop-down menu displayed for this field changes.

Labor Contract

text box

with list button as help opens a list of all assigned contracts

Fulltime Hours per Week

text box

When saving, the system asks you whether you want to adapt them to the collective agreement, but you can also enter them manually in the text field provided.

Employment code


Mandatory field, currently entered in the selection list are worker, salaried employee, freelancer, contract for work, civil servant.

Worktime Unit


Mandatory field, selectable between hours and percent depending on the selected unit, the agreed work performance can be entered either in the field "Weekly hours" or "Employment percent".

Hours per Week

text box

 Depending on whether hours or percent was selected for "Working time unit", the system releases one of the two as a required entry field to enter the actually agreed working time.


text box

Working Days per Week

text box

Mandatory field, indicates the number of days on which work is planned.

Weekly Plan


Mandatory field, a stored list with standard, special weekly time model (a weekly grid opens to enter in detail when and how much work is done), shift model (shift model description opens after selection)

Vacation Days

text box

Mandatory field, is required by the system in order to be able to settle the vacation days correctly.

Entry date

date field

Mandatory field with date selector, required by the system

Resignation Date

date field

optional to use

fictitious entry date

date field

his field is optional and is used to calculate years of employment.

Period of termination Count

text box

Mandatory field

Period of termination Unit


Mandatory field, selection list with day, week, month, year


text box

optional to use

Pay Group

text box

can be backed up with a selection list on request

Employment code


is stored with a selection list. Currently available are employee, apprentice and trainee.

Charge/advanced stage Usage/remuneration group

text box

The two text boxes can be filled in manually or with the help of the attached button.

Overtime Hours


A selection box is used to define the included overtime hours.

Valid from

date field

Mandatory field, from when is this employment assignment valid?

Valid till

date field

Mandatory field, until when is this employment assignment valid according to the current status?

End of Probation

date field

The date is optional, should a probationary period be agreed it can be entered here

Social Security Group


Mandatory field, currently selectable are Fully insured, Minor, Apprentice, Freelancer, Minor Freelancer

Social Security State


Currently there are the following stored: registration running, registered, deregistration running, deregistrated, this field is changed by the system should the button social security registration start the workflow

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