

A role describes a specific function within a company (superior, personnel). 

A role in the Personalwolke essentially serves 2 functions:

In the Personalwolke there are two predefined roles that can be assigned to individual persons or groups:

You assign the role either using the role itself, the person master data sheet, or a group.

The role also performs certain functions during the process flow (requests). Here, the role holder can set defined activities, such as approving, rejecting, or viewing a request (see open tasks).

In contrast to organizational structures (groups, loose groups), a role cannot be evaluated (e.g. for the creation of reports in Personalwolke Time or HR-Expert). This means that no information functions of a role can be taken into account when information is queried. To make this possible, the role holders would have to be combined in a loose group (for example, a loose group of superiors to which all holders of the role managers are added). 

Competence target

A competence target is defined as a person or group for which the role holder is responsible or which may be inspected. 

Here there are 3 possibilities: certain PERSON(s), certain GROUP(s) or CLIENT. A simultaneous assignment of several competence goals is possible. 

Assignment of a role to a person

You can assign a role to an employee by choosing Roles in the menu. 


To assign a role, simply click on the edit icon. In the following overview, you will find a list of the competence goals and role holders of the selected role. 


In this example, it can be seen that the PB-SUP group performs the role of personnel for the person Honig Helga, i.e. all persons assigned to the PB-SUP group perform the role of personnel for the person Honig Helga. In addition, one sees that the person Gschaftig Gunter takes over the role personnel for the entire enterprise (client) Personalwolke Base.

With a click on New Role Holder, the selected role can be assigned to new persons / groups.

neue rolle

Practical functions

A click on Save stores the settings.