
General information

Under the menu item Groups you will find an overview of all created groups (departments) for your client (company).


Short name - the short name of the group incl. prefix (must be unique!)
Name - the (long) name of the group
Description - Description of the group (optional)
Client - the company the group is assigned to
Organizational structure - is it a hierarchical group (organigram XX) or a loose group (loose groups)?
Valid from / Valid to - period in which this group exists (e.g. for a group consisting of only one person, the Valid to date could be set to the end of contract date of this one person - so the removal of the group from the organigram happens automatically)

Sorting / Search options

This list can be sorted according to various criteria (short name, name, description, client, organizational structure, valid from, valid to) using the blue triangles.

In addition, the white text fields at the beginning of the list offer the possibility to restrict the displayed data records according to various criteria, e.g.: Short name "er" shows only groups whose short name "er" contains. (enter it in the text field and start the search by pressing Enter / click on the Maginfying Glass-Symbol/ key). To make all records visible again, simply delete the search term from the corresponding field Maginfying Glass-Symbol and press Enter again.

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Practical funktions

By clicking one of the 3 icons (Print, PDF, Excel) in the upper right area, the following dialog box opens to specify the data to be displayed in the selected medium (Print, PDF, Excel):


Output range

  • All Records 
    All employees of the company are displayed in the selected output medium.
  • Current selection 
    Only the currently displayed employees of the company are displayed in the selected output medium.

Open in new window

  • new window 
    The selected data sets are displayed in a new window.
  • current window 
    The selected datasets are displayed in the current window.

This function is also useful if you want to export a list of employees, possibly filtered according to various criteria. The Excel format is ideal for this. 

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