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Release Notes - Webdesk - 16.07.2020


  • [WD-10957] - Leaf elements should not have number as first column
  • [WD-11031] - Travel expense only shows region one day after region validity start
  • [WD-11123] - Summary value for account when using normal time is invalid
  • [WD-11124] - Columns in ta_getOrgJournal client-side report are not aligned in accordance with the action config
  • [WD-11158] - RecordSpecial names containing a colon will not work correctly for getOrgTravel reports
  • [WD-11172] - Org action handler test: Table not displayed
  • [WD-11311] - Unarchiving Timemodels puts them at the end of the sorting order in lists
  • [WD-11363] - Split up the button labels of archiving and activating buttons for daily and weekly programs

New Feature

  • [WD-6755] - Additional dynamic fields need to be assignable to a set of clients
  • [WD-10012] - Integrate Matomo into HRX Vaadin application


  • [WD-11041] - Legislation Improvements
  • [WD-11057] - Fix Jest tests on webdesk-ta-websdk
  • [WD-11118] - Remove cocoon dependency from JSON providers for react-report table
  • [WD-11198] - I18n Fix For Legislation Master Data


  • [WD-11050] - Allow embedded database for dockerized webdesk by setting environment variable
  • [WD-11051] - Render ta_getOrgJournal reports using ReactIn der Aktionskonfiguration kann nun eingestellt werden, dass die Anzeige im Frontend gerendert wird. 
  • [WD-11141] - Improve NPM build artifacts
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)26692729
Version 2 von Tobias Weitz
am 12.11.20 10:45:19
Name: 4.11.0
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 22.12.20 10:19:37
Name: 4.11.0
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung