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  • [WD-7182] - Velocity script in HR displays a withdrawn Resignation date
  • [WD-7346] - HrPerformEmploymentTerminations job displays IllegalStateException due to missing SecurityContext
  • [WD-7347] - PtmStopAndContinueEfforts: job terminates abnormally due to too many persons in the system (>2100)
  • [WD-7390] - Stacktrace when deleting an open intervall with ta_correctionClient
  • [WD-7482] - New webdesk 4.1.x bug collection
  • [WD-7553] - Real/Soft deletion of entity folders (problem when creating person with same name)
  • [WD-7577] - Entity Folders are not deleted after REAL deletion
  • [WD-7581] - Problem with TA foreignKey in Link: Users can see all calendars
  • [WD-7605] - "Request Entity Too Large"-exception because of webdesk cookie
  • [WD-7610] - Metastructure propagation affects soft deleted objects
  • [WD-7611] - After the user was locked because he forgot the password the sadmin cannot reset the password as this results in an exception
  • [WD-7612] - Adding travel expense with GeoLocation to international travel in classic skin causes exception
  • [WD-7618] - CORS: Preflight Requests Should get a 200 HTTP Status if the ask for supported methods
  • [WD-7622] - Performance of report module is very slow in specific systems
  • [WD-7624] - Regression: TA tab in HRX not refreshing when switching persons
  • [WD-7632] - Client name is missing in person label of HRX apps
  • [WD-7637] - ptm_doBooking: Firefox - project selector not working
  • [WD-7685] - Changing the client causes an IllegalStateException when person-chooser list is open
  • [WD-7703] - Password reset via Mail does not work
  • [WD-7705] - Obelix dev displays an empty browser window


  • [WD-7263] - Take PtmProject custom attributes as default values for dynamic fields in editTimeEfforts UI
  • [WD-7268] - Redesign Person's TA Tab: Lifecycle starts with "Activate for this person" and ends with "Delete Time&Attendance data"
  • [WD-7302] - Allow project-time bookings over midnight
  • [WD-7345] - HR-Expert client chooser should also contain items to select clients having partial view-permissions
  • [WD-7589] - XLS-Export: HR-Expert Reports should be changed to plain text
  • [WD-7595] - Better message on TA tab of person editor when not being in edit-mode
  • [WD-7596] - Extend Nfc tag assignments Rest endpoint so that it returns image of a person
  • [WD-7616] - Refactor REST endpoint tests
  • [WD-7621] - Modify Kiosk register and WhoAmI endpoints
  • [WD-7626] - Make name field not-null in HrCertificate and add update-script to fill empty name with shortname
  • [WD-7638] - Hide technical users in REST response in PoNfcTagRestEndpoint
  • [WD-7646] - Let configure if custom attributes are default values for dynamic fields

New Feature

  • [WD-7271] - Set visibility permissions based on orgunit (group) instead of client: restricted clients
  • [WD-7580] - Kiosk entity shall have fields Android-ID, External Reference ID
  • [WD-7604] - Rest Endpoint for returning list of clients


  • [WD-7289] - employee Ids are inconsistent between Webdesk and 6020 on obelix-dev


  • [WD-7450] - Retrieve Change List for a specific entity
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)375860
Version 1 von Inge Lederhofer
am 04.10.18 09:27:21
Name: 4.1.2
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 04.10.18 09:32:13
Name: 4.1.2
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung