
Vergleiche Einstellungen
Änderungen von:

Veränderungen an Parts

Part "Inhalt" wurde verändert

Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.



  • [WD-7346] - HrPerformEmploymentTerminations job displays IllegalStateException due to missing SecurityContext
  • [WD-7390] - Stacktrace when deleting an open intervall with ta_correctionClient
  • [WD-7553] - Real/Soft deletion of entity folders (problem when creating person with same name)
  • [WD-7577] - Entity Folders are not deleted after REAL deletion
  • [WD-7605] - "Request Entity Too Large"-exception because of webdesk cookie
  • [WD-7610] - Metastructure propagation affects soft deleted objects
  • [WD-7611] - After the user was locked because he forgot the password the sadmin cannot reset the password as this results in an exception
  • [WD-7637] - ptm_doBooking: Firefox - project selector not working
  • [WD-7719] - editTaskTimeShares: button "Save" should be hidden
  • [WD-7720] - editTaskTimeShares: button "Actions" is missing in process details
  • [WD-7721] - HRX: client selection not sorted anymore
  • [WD-7733] - Process instance is still visible although settings are made to not be visible


  • [WD-7263] - Take PtmProject custom attributes as default values for dynamic fields in editTimeEfforts UI
  • [WD-7268] - Redesign Person's TA Tab: Lifecycle starts with "Activate for this person" and ends with "Delete Time&Attendance data"
  • [WD-7595] - Better message on TA tab of person editor when not being in edit-mode
  • [WD-7646] - Let configure if custom attributes are default values for dynamic fields
  • [WD-7716] - HRX: hide ENUM value "TERMINATED" in edit mode (configurable)
  • [WD-7723] - HRX restricted admins - show "Organigramm" and "Stellenplan" in HRX
  • [WD-7724] - Person chooser needs to be changed
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)433047
Version 3 von Inge Lederhofer
am 08.10.18 11:01:42
Name: 4.0.36
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Inge Lederhofer
am 08.10.18 11:03:06
Name: 4.0.36
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung