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In addition to the normal attendance/absence booking, there are also certain situations in which the employee is not present at his/her workplace, but still performs work for the company. In these situations, the employee should be marked as absent, but the working time should still be taken into account in the journal and in the balance. For this purpose, productive absence reasons can be booked in Personalwolke.

If a productive absence reason is entered in the booking (e.g. the employee works from home), it is irrelevant whether the previous booking status is "Present" or "Absent" - the employee is always marked as "Absent", but supplemented by the productive absence reason (booking status in orange/blue). In contrast to the usual absence (e.g. break, end of work), a time interval is recorded in the journal which, in the case of a productive absence reason, is also taken into account as working time in the balance.

If the productive absence has ended (e.g. end of business trip, end of mobile working), there are two possibilities

  • Termination followed by absence
    This occurs, for example, when the employee finishes teleworking and goes home for the day. In this case, he or she must select the same reason for absence again and then press the "Do booking" button. The booking status then changes to "Absent" and the time interval is ended.
  • Termination followed by attendance
    This occurs, for example, when the employee returns to the office after a business trip and continues his or her work there. If the "Do booking" button is pressed from the absence with a productive absence reason without specifying a reason, the booking status changes to "Present" and a new time interval is started while the time recording of the business trip/telework/etc. is ended.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)22592273
Version 2 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 10.01.22 09:05:20
Name: Absence with a productive absence reason
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 10.01.22 10:02:54
Name: Absence with a productive absence reason
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung