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In this area, private and business telephone numbers and email addresses can be maintained.

Please note that the business email address of the employee is used by the system for all notification functions. Also a  Login with the business email address (instead of the user name) into the personnel cloud the Personalwolke is possible, if the employee is an active user. 

The telephone numbers maintained here can also be displayed in other views (especially the Attendance list  in time recording) if this has been configured by the administrator.

The recommended input form for this feature is  +43 xxx xxxxxxxxxxx 

When using a smartphone, you can click on the phone number to copy it to the phone's call function and make a phone call by pressing the dial function. 

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)994994
Version 5 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 30.11.22 17:33:06
Name: Tab Contactinfos - Phone and Email
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 6 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 03.11.23 11:02:44
Name: Tab Contactinfos - Phone and Email
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung