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In case of new tasks I would like to receive a mail notification: This parameter activates mail notification. Whenever a request is available for processing, the system automatically sends a mail.

I would also like to receive a mail notification as a deputy: If you are a deputy of a superior and you have the right to process requests, you can activate mail notification if requests are to be processed on behalf of the superior.

My deputy may approve for me: If you, as a supervisor, want the deputy to be able to approve requests, this parameter must be set to Yes.

This parameter affects all requests submitted from the time of activation. In addition to the role owner, all downstream role owners (if they are deputies according to the substitution regulation) are written as deputies in the applications. In this context, the inheritance direction within the role must currently also be taken into account. If the inheritance direction is set to "up", the organizational chart is searched upwards for deputies; if it is set to "down", it is searched downwards and "none" not at all.

In the case of open tasks, I would like to be notified when I start: After logging in, a message appears stating that applications are available for processing.

Language: Here you can change the language for the current webdesk user.

Deputy: By clicking on the Add button, a deputy can be directly defined here.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)16921761
Version 3 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 26.05.21 05:17:26
Name: Settings
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 10.01.22 11:09:15
Name: Settings
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung