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In this area, the assignments are assigned to: 

Organizational units,    cost centers,    locations, and payroll areas (without symbols) are maintained historically. At least one hierarchical organizational unit must exist for each client. This enables the administrator to maintain his or her complete organizational chart in HR Expert. (Organization Menu)

The use of cost centers, locations and payroll areas is optional, but simplifies administration and payroll accounting.

The advantage of these group assignments is the better manageability of the employees.

If locations are entered and assigned to the employees in the  Tab Contact information - Company addresses  , this does not have to be entered manually.

Important: Consider Time limitation and Historisation. so that you achieve the intended effectiveness and historization! 

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)11831066
Version 3 von Inge Lederhofer
am 12.12.18 11:07:03
Name: Tab Organisation - Groups
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Gabriel Gruber
am 13.10.22 15:48:53
Name: Tab Organisation - Groups
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung